Thursday, November 25, 2010

Math question..

Please post your result in the comments section if you figure it out so I can add it to this website. Based on the following information, see if someone out there can calculate the result:

My tank is 70.141 sq meters. The water level in the tank will be 1.067 meters. My drain is located in one corner at the 1.067 meter depth. The inside diameter of the pipe is 5.08 cm. The drain pipe is exactly 20cm long. My tank volume is 74.827 cubic meters based on the numbers I have given.

If your up to the challenge then calculate using my final drain pipe location which would be 15m long and would have a slope to its exit point 2 meters below the tank height.

How long would it take to drain this tank if it was totally full? (convert the numbers to imperial using google if you need that instead)

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