Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Finished skylights.. almost..

Today we completed finishing work on the skylights as well as the curves on the front of the house. The skylights needed to be finished with plywood on the bottoms and the edges of the framing. We needed to prepare this area for when our flashing / gutter man was going to come to cover it up.

We used a flap disc sander on our angle grinder to smooth the header of our curved wall framework. Then we wrapped the inside with 1/4 plywood. The flashing will be put on top of this area to prevent water coming into the house as well as prevent further weathering. The flashing around the skylights is also critical that it be done correctly.

The water droplets produce pretty patterns on the edge of the skylight woodwork.

Curved wall finished with some 1/4 inch plywood.

Finishing off the curved wall above the skylights.

We covered this whole area with a tarp now so that water wouldn't be pouring into our kitchen anymore when it rained. It was getting rather tiring every morning to be sweeping the rain water out which fell overnight.

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